Minnesota’s Jason Sprenger, APR, Nominated to the 2024 National PRSA Board of Directors

We are very pleased to celebrate the nomination of Jason Sprenger, APR, to PRSA’s 2024 Board of Directors. This is quite an honor, and we are lucky to have him representing us on the national stage.
Sprenger has been a loyal, dedicated member of our chapter over many years and has a strong passion and commitment to the profession. He has served our local chapter as volunteer, committee chair, board member, and on the executive committee as secretary, treasurer, vice president, president and immediate past president. He also chaired the Midwest District board in 2020.
In addition to his role as president of Game Changer Communications, he continues to stay actively involved in the industry as a speaker, mentor and advocate. He is also an adjunct instructor at the University of Minnesota Hubbard School of Journalism and Mass Communication.
Sprenger will be installed as a national board director at the annual meeting of the Leadership Assembly in October and serve a two-year term. Please join us in wishing Sprenger the best of luck in his new position and thanking him for his service to the profession and our chapter!